Kayla Pehi
February 24, 2019
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When to Keep Kids at Home: A Quick & Easy Guide

Sometimes, it can be difficult to decide when to keep your kids at home from school/daycare. Often, as parents, this means taking a day off from work, or finding a last minute babysitter. Although both options sound stressful, it's worse when you send your sick child out in public.

When to Keep Kids at Home

Are you exaggerating the symptoms in your mind? Is their cough really that bad? Luckily, we've come up with a quick and easy chart that will help you. Now, keep in mind that we've only provided the most serious cases. But we are fully aware that there are a million other cases in which you may want to keep your kid at home. Of course, it is always a matter of personal assessment. Parents know their children very well, and tend to know when their child is not feeling well enough to go to school. That said, it is important to know that when certain symptoms are present, it is essential to keep the child at home. This avoids further contact with children that are not currently exposed to whatever virus your child has.For an easy guide as to when you should keep your kids at home, download our Sick Kids Chart. To compliment this chart, we wanted to share this post on Kids Health titled "Is My Child Too Sick to Go to School?"As adults, it is primarily our responsibility to keep the children in our care happy and healthy; but we must also keep the health of other children in mind. That's all for this week folks, stay happy and healthy! We're not out of the woods just yet, flu season is still among us. Remember to wash those hands, and to keep your children at home if they have germs to spread!

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Parenting - PRNT
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