Camp Laurus
September 29, 2017
Camp Updates
Weekend Activities

The Art of Making a Mistake! Let's Motivate!

Remember the last time your child made a mistake, recognized it, and you could see embarrassment overcome them? Why don't we move away from the failure of making mistakes, and instead associate making a mistake with the comfort of  knowing that we are learning from them? Next time, try a few of these quotes to help explain to our kids that making a mistake is the art of learning!

"Mistakes are proof that you are trying"

"The only time a mistake is truly permanent is if you don't learn from it"

"Perfection is not real, be ok with making mistakes"

"There are no mistakes in life, just learning opportunities"

Well, there’s no denying it—fall is here. It’s time to put on a sweater, drink something pumpkin-flavoured and yes, get serious about school. All of us in the Laurus Squad know what it is like to try and refocus on school after the summer. We know that letting go of summer is a struggle, but keeping up with schoolwork doesn’t have to be. Here are a few kid-friendly resources to stay motivated as that homework piles up. We can do this!

To start, pick a study routine that works for you. Some kids work best alone, while others thrive with a study buddy; some need silence to concentrate, while music helps others get in the zone. Experiment until you find the ritual that works for you. If you're looking for good study music, check out the Laurus Study Music Mix on our YouTube channel (soft, ambient, kid-friendly, and great for the background).

Khan Academy is a fantastic study-resource for math, science and grammar from kindergarten to University. Their step-by-step video explanations are particularly helpful for kids that have trouble learning from a textbook - the Laurus Squad are definitely not classic textbook learners! Khan Academy also features practice tests and free accounts for parents and students to keep track of their progress. Some of our Laurus Counsellors swear by it!For memorizing vocabulary and spelling, we recommend using Quizlet. The site allows students to make their own flashcards and quiz themselves. It’s a great way to study for the next test—especially when you leave that textbook in your locker overnight! It is also a great space to go and learn about anything else, all their quizzes are featured and kids can go read, listen and learn anything from Romeo and Juliet Literary Terms to French Animal Terms!

Weekend outings are a fun way to bring context to the broader value of an education, and The Space for Life museum district is an excellent place to start. The Biodome, Insectarium and Planetarium are bound to inspire interest in science, geography and engineering. The Redpath Museum is a great natural history museum on the McGill University campus.

On a PED day, consider booking a McGill University campus tour for our Leadership Crew. A trip to the university is a great way to introduce kids to the exciting world of post-secondary education: a place where you can pursue your own academic interests toward the career path of your choice...(Warning: There may be a party or two that they will attend while in University).

Finally, to our Laurus campers in school—we hope you still take the time in between studying to follow the Number One Rule of Camp: HAVE FUN!On another note, look out for our Halloween Newsletter (October 29), we will be making a few announcements, like when registration opens for March Break and Summer Camp (hint: early November)!Have an Amazing October!

Your Laurus Team

P.S. Looking for some kid-friendly alternative music that you can listen to while making dinner, cleaning, or just hanging out in the living room? Check out our End of Summer Laurus Playlist

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