Camp Laurus
November 9, 2017
Camp Updates
Weekend Activities

Learning to Listen through Podcasts! Screen-Free Time @ Home!

We have to admit, we were not ready for the minor snowfall we had last night, but there is something cozy about the feelings associated with #WinterIsComing - like coming home and putting on your slippers, boiling water for tea, enjoying a hot cup of coffee while wrapped in a blanket, and catching up on a few podcasts.

There are warm thoughts and feelings that come to mind even when it's below zero outside!On days like today it is easy to let the kids watch TV or play on their iPad's and smartphones. The weather doesn't make it appealing to go outside and quite frankly, it's okay to want to find activities to do at home with your family. Not everything is about where you can take them or what experience they can have today, time at home, learning to be around one another and experiencing the family unit is just as important as going to the Science Museum (although, if you want to go, check it out here)!

So, let's enjoy some of our time inside!

The Laurus team wants to share what helps us get through these long winter days: podcasts. A podcast is a free, episodic audio series that you can subscribe to and stream on your computer or smartphone. It is also a great tool to help teach your kids how to actively listen. Active Listening is a tool that requires concentrating on what you are listening to, engaging in the topic and remembering it to share with others. We always expect our kids to actively listen to us when we speak to them, but you have to admit, adults are not often the best active listeners either. So, let's practice active listening with our kids, and we can do that through listening to Podcasts! Kid's may have a harder time  sitting still to listen and that is perfectly alright, let them play with their toy truck while the podcast is on in the background, once they are interested in the content, they will begin to engage in what they are listening to!Here are a few that we recommend for your Family’s morning routine, commute to school, or screen-free time around the house.

  • Story Time (Ages 2+) Bedtime FM’s Story Time is a fortnightly free audio book featuring new and classic children’s bedtime stories. This podcast is a great tool for young children learning English as a second language.
  • NPR’s Wow In the World (5+) We’ve recommended this one before, but it’s worth a second plug. Wow in the World follows the most exciting stories in science and technology for curious kids and their grownups.
  • Saturday Morning Theatre (7+) Grant Baciocco’s Saturday Morning Theatre is a throwback to the glory days of old time radio programs. With stories ranging from westerns, mysteries, comedies and superhero tales, this podcast is a family adventure every Saturday morning.
  • CBC Q (10+) A longtime staple of CBC Radio, Q is an interview show that focuses on the personal side of arts, entertainment, and culture from a Canadian perspective.
  • NPR’s Up First (12+) Up First is a daily podcast focusing on the biggest news stories from U.S. and beyond—all in under 10 minutes. Powered by NPR’s award-winning journalism, Up First is a great way for older kids to learn about the state of American politics and world affairs.

Got a podcast recommendation for us? Be sure to let us know!Happy Weekend!

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