Kayla Pehi
March 16, 2019
Camp Updates
Weekend Activities

Family Activities to do this Spring: Top Ten

With spring in (almost) full swing, we wrote you a list of ten family activities to do this spring! In Montreal, the warm seasons are fast and fleeting. Therefore, it’s important to take advantage of the beautiful weather while it’s here! And what better way to do that than to go out as a family and enjoy together? So, without further ado, here is our list of top ten family activities to do this spring.

Activities to do this Spring as a Family

1. Ride a Bike

If your bikes have been collecting dust all winter, spring is a great time to whip them out! Go for a bike ride as a family and enjoy the warmth. Spring brings many great things, such as flowers, sunshine, and a nice warm breeze! If all family members don’t own a bike, BIXI bikes are the way to go! We can’t think of a better family activity to do this spring!

2. Go to a Festival

Montreal is the city of festivals! If you’re looking for a few fun and unique events to experience as a family, click here. There is always something fun and fresh happening in Montreal. And that’s what spring is all about; being fun & fresh.

3. Visit a Park

Go on a nature walk as a family and enjoy the fresh air! Centre de la Nature in Laval is a great outdoor space that is open all 4 seasons. Each season, they change their activities to reflect the changes in the season, to find out more, click here.

4. Have a Picnic

While you’re on your family nature walk, be sure to pack a picnic lunch! You’re bound to get hungry with all the walks and bike rides that you’ll be taking! Family activities to do this spring don’t come easy – you need to work those legs!

5. Visit the Botanical Gardens

Every spring, the Botanical Gardens hosts an event called Butterflies go Free. During this event, thousands of multicoloured butterflies flit around in a natural setting. For more information, click here.

6. Go to a Sugar Shack

This is a spring family activity STAPLE in Montreal! During the months of March & April, visit a sugar shack and let your sweet tooth run wild! From eating maple syrup everything and visiting small farm animals, this one is definitely a must on our list!

7. Go for Ice Cream

Speaking of sweet tooth, we don’t believe in a season that is too cold for ice cream. However, ice cream shops would seem to disagree. Spring means the return of your favourite ice cream parlours, and we are not wasting any time to go visit them!

8. Plant Something Green

Spring is all about everything coming back to life, therefore we think it’s appropriate to plant something with your children and watch it grow! A flower, a tree, or a whole garden if need be. It’s always fun to get your hands a little messy and muddy. What better way to do it than to plant something too?

9. Find a Puddle to Jump in

With the spring seasons comes spring showers, and lots of ‘em! Don’t hide away, put on some rain boots and go puddle stomping with the kids! It’ll get all their energy out and teach them that it’s okay to get messy sometimes.

10. Spring Clean

Although this isn’t a fun one, it’s an important one. Involve your children in the disaster that is spring cleaning. This will allow them to take responsibility for their own possessions and will instill some healthy habits for the future!All that being said, we think that it is important to encourage as much outdoor activity as possible! Speaking of which, have you read our blog about "More Recess in Quebec"? If not, click this link! Aside from that, let us know what other family activities to do this spring! We’d love to hear from you in the comments. That’s all for this week, enjoy the weather!

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